Jindřich Ráftl
architect, researcher
Po ukončení magisterského studia (Ing.arch.MgA) na FUA TUL v roce 2014 nastupuje na FA ČVUT na postgraduální studium (PhD) se zaměřením na biomorfní struktury a digitální návrhy. V roce 2011 zakládá s Janem Tůmou studio R/FRM. V rámci studia pracuje na projektech, pro které jsou charakteristické přesahy mezi přírodou a technologiemi.
2014 - 2021
Phd. - FA ČVUT
2008 - 2014
Ing.arch. - FUA TUL

eng :
He graduated with master degree from architecture,urbanism and environmental design at Faculty of Art and Architecture in Liberec. In 2011 he established architecture studio called R/FRM focusing on generative architecture, biostructures and visual art. Jindřich took part in exhibition Biennale of Experimental architecture which was held in Prague in 2013 and 2015. He cooperated on generative clips for TV channel ČT Art. In 2013 he developed with research group VOOV using biointeraction and laser sensors for human dance and move interactions. He is author of live audiovisual performance presented on the Signal festival 2014, 2015 and is a member of team CTU which created exposition Laboratory of silence for world exhibition Expo in Milano 2015.