Jan Tůma
architect, artist
Po ukončení magisterského studia (Ing.arch.) na FA ČVUT v roce 2012 nastupuje na stejné fakultě postgraduální studium (PhD) se zaměřením na umělecké instalace ve veřejném prostoru. V roce 2011 zakládá s Jindřichem Ráftlem studio R/FRM. V rámci studia pracuje na projektech, pro které jsou charakteristické přesahy mezi uměním, architekturou a novými medii.
2006 - 2012
Ing.arch. - FA ČVUT
2012 - 2020

Graduated in 2012 at Faculty of Architecture (CTU), with work focused on Interactive Kinematics. The same year he has started post-gradual research (PhD) in the Institute of Intermedia (CTU). Leading theme of his interest follows foregoing masters' projects in the studio FLOW. Disertation theme is focused on Art Installations in Public Space. This theme has been further revealed in some publications (Architekt magazie e.g.) and lectures (Experimental Architecture Biennial Symposium, Shared Space Symposium in the mark of Prague Quadrennial e.g.). In his projects he overlaps art, architecture and new media. In 2011 he cofounded R/FRM studio with Jindřich Ráftl. He is author of installation Laboratorium Silencii for Czech pavilion (EXPO2015) and light installations presented on the Signal festival 2014, 2015 and 2016